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Thứ Sáu, 15 tháng 7, 2016

Bee Jokes--Funny Cat Jokes, Animal Jokes

Bee Jokes

Q: What do you call a bee that prefers nectar to pollen? 
A: Snob-Bee. 

Q: What does the bee Santa Claus say? 
A: Ho hum hum! 

Q: Why do bees hum? 
A: Because they've forgotten the words! 

Q: What kind of bees hum and drop things? 
A: A fumble bee! 

Q: What did the bee say to the flower? 
A: Hello honey! 

Q: What's a bees favorite flower? 
A: A bee-gonias! 

Q: What do you call a bee who single handedly defended the colony from a wasp attack? 
A: Not to shab-bee. 

Q: What did the confused bee say? 
A: To bee or not to bee! 

Q: What do you call a Bee who is having a bad hair day? 
A: A Frisbee. 

Q: What do bees do if they want to use public transport? 
A: Wait at a buzz stop! 

Q: What do you give a bee on the first day of class? 
A: A Sylla-buzz. 

Q: How does a bee get to class? 
A: On the school-buzz. 

Q: What is a bees favorite shape? 
A: A Rhom-buzz, of course. 

Q: Why do bees hummm? 
A: They forget the words to the song. 

Q: What do you call a bee explorer? 
A: Christopher Colum-buzz. 

Q: What do you call a bee you can't share secrets with? 
A: a blab-bee. 

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